New Tradigital Painting: "Here Am I"

Why would I be asked

To kill a miracle

So soon, after you put him in my care?

Too soon; there's so much left unsaid

And so much left undone.

My eyes are clouded with tears

I cannot see the fire and the wood

But still I say

"Here Am I."

Though I will be reduced to nothing,

Yet I will say

"Here Am I."

Until I hear the cries of the ram

Crowned with thorns

My ransom, and a double portion

Though I cannot see, I will wait


You Are There.


This is a piece I created to deal with the "taking away" of good things that we feel we deserve to keep. Or rather, being asked to give them up. It may feel unfair, and we may hear our own voice asking, "Did he really say...?" The double-headed snake is clever in his use of voices and questions. But if you lift your eyes, even if they are filled to the brim with tears, you will see it... a ram caught in a thicket, for you. You needn't strive. You needn't struggle. The ram will cover your nakedness and your shortcomings. The thorns hurt him, but they do not hurt you. Then you can smile, even faintly, and know... when the snake says "I'll give you all the kingdoms of this world..." you can boldly say: "But I have them already."

The double-snake necklace was inspired by a trip to Gucci. I love their new line of Dionysus bags with the snake closure, and all the symmetrical embroidery. It really behooves me to visit designer brand stores and just ponder (though the salesmen must be disappointed.)

This piece is available to purchase on my art page. It is available in small and large sizes and is limited to an edition of 25. All prints are signed and stamped by me.


New Tradigital Painting: "Here Am I" New Tradigital Painting: "Here Am I" Reviewed by Julie R on 6:13 PM Rating: 5

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