Nathan Presley's Haunting Photography

I found someone amazing on Ben Trovato today. His name is Nathan Presley, and he is a photographer and videographer. I look at LOTS of excellent fashion photography every day, but his photographs shone like jewels in the darkness! (Not that everything else I see is darkness, but his work was just that good.) Haunting, mysterious, historically military-themed girls will melt my heart every time.

He is a world-traveler, deep thinker, and writes such poignant poetry too! Check it yo

And do you know what the most astounding thing of all is? It's that he's from Tulsa. OKLAHOMA. My current state. I am seriously so pleased, because it's very rare that I find anyone local who truly amazes me. And it may be the first time ever that an Oklahoman artist has truly rocked my socks off and blew my brain up. (Sorry if that didn't make any sense or sounded excessively violent... my words are getting excited and confused.)

Nathan is planning to move to LA soon. And I can totally understand. His career will probably explode there! Oklahoma, you've got to try harder if you want to keep the good ones...
Nathan Presley's Haunting Photography Nathan Presley's Haunting Photography Reviewed by JUURI on 1:47 PM Rating: 5

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